We invite
you to view the largest privately held portfolio
of real estate domains in the world.
The majority of these names were originally hand registered back in 1996
and have remained under one ownership for over 20 years.
To view recent domain sales in this real estate category (see below)
Historical Comp Sales Data:
TorontoRealEstate.com $140,000.
To read about our sale of TorontoRealEstate.com,
see attached article.
JacksonHoleRealEstate.com $85,000.
To read about our sale of JacksonHoleRealEstate.com,
see attached article.
ParkCityRealEstate.com $60,000.
To read about our sale of ParkCityRealEstate.com,
see attached article.
HiltonHeadRealEstate.com $80,000.
(3yr lease @ $1,000./month & final purchase
@ $50,000.)
BoiseRealEstate.com $50,000.
TucsonRealEstate.com $50,400.00
HamptonsRealEstate.com $100,000.
BostonRealEstate.com $215,000.